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py-louvain Methods of community detection in large networks
py-lrparsing LR(1) parser hiding behind a pythonic interface
py-lsp-black Black plugin for the Python LSP Server
py-lsqfit Utilities for nonlinear least-squares fits
py-luminous Optical Transfer Matrix and simple Quantum Well modelling
py-lxmf Lightweight Extensible Message Format for Reticulum
py-lxmlproc Lxml version of xsltproc
py-lzma Python bindings for the LZMA library by Igor Pavlov
py-lzstring LZ-based in-memory string compression
py-m2r2 Markdown and reStructuredText in a single file
py-macs2 Algorithm for identifying transcription factor binding sites
py-macs3 Peak caller aimed at transcription factor binding sites
py-magnitude Python library for computing with numbers with units
py-mahotas Mahotas: Computer Vision Library
py-mailcap-fix Patched mailcap module that conforms to RFC 1524
py-mailingstats Mailing List Stats is a tool to parse and analyze mail boxes
py-mailq Postfix queue control python tool
py-mapcode Mapcode module for Python
py-mappy Minimap2 python binding
py-mapy-package Modeling and Analysis in Python
py-marionette_driver Marionette Driver
py-mark RDF Bookmarking Utilities
py-markovchain Simple markov chain implementation
py-marshmallow Library for converting complex datatypes
py-marshmallow-enum Enum field for Marshmallow
py-maskouk-sqlite Arabic Dictionary for Collocations
py-math-braid Pure python braid group implementation based on sympy
py-math-snappy Program for studying the topology and geometry of 3-manifolds
py-math3d 3D Special Euclidean mathematics package for Python
py-mathics-scanner Character Tables and Tokenizer for Mathics and the Wolfram Language
py-mathjspy Evaluate mathematical expressions in the same manner as MathJS
py-mathopt Optimize mathematical formulas for speed with SymPy
py-mathpad Interface to Sympy for solving physics, engineering and maths problems
py-matplottheme MatPlotTheme is a theming library for MatPlotLib
py-matrix-angular-sdk AngularJS services for implementing the Client-Server API
py-mave Library for Measurement and Verification
py-mcerp Real-time latin-hypercube-sampling-based Monte Carlo Error Propagation
py-mcint Simple tool to perform numerical integration using MC techniques
py-mcview 3D/graph event viewer for high-energy physics event simulations
py-mdanalysis Library to analyze and manipulate molecular dynamics trajectories
py-mdformat CommonMark compliant Markdown formatter
py-mdp Modular toolkit for data processing
py-mdptoolbox Implementation of Markov Decision Problem algorithms for Python
py-mdtraj The analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories
py-meigo Python wrapper of MEIGOR, a R optimisation package
py-memory_profiler Module for monitoring memory usage of a python program
py-memray Memory profiler for Python applications
py-mendeleev Database of atomic properties for elements in the periodic table
py-mesa Agent-based modeling (ABM) in Python 3+
py-meshio I/O for various mesh formats
py-metrics Metrics for python files
py-metropack Pack spheres in a finite space
py-mido Library for working with MIDI messages and ports.
py-milksnake Library that extends setuptools for binary extensions
py-minecraft Python minecraft client library
py-minepy Maximal Information-based Nonparametric Exploration
py-minidb Simple python object store
py-mininet Process-based OpenFlow emulator
py-mipp Meteorological ingest processing package
py-mishkal Mishkal: Arabic text diacritization library for Python
py-mitmproxy2swagger Convert mitmproxy captures to OpenAPI 3.0 specification
py-mkdocs-material Material Design theme for MkDocs
py-mkdocs-material-extensions Extension pack for Python Markdown
py-mkdocs-with-pdf Generate a single PDF file from MkDocs repository
py-ml-datasets various machine learning datasets for testing and example scripts
py-mlt Open source multimedia framework (Python bindings)
py-mmLib Python Macromolecular Library
py-mne MNE python project for MEG and EEG data analysis
py-mochi Dynamically typed functional programming language
py-modargs line argument parsing library that infers
py-modbus Fully featured modbus protocol stack in python
py-modello Sympy expressions in models
py-modelparameters Module providing parameter structure for physical modeling
py-modus Fully featured modbus protocol stack in python
py-moksha-common Common components for Moksha
py-moksha-hub Hub components for Moksha
py-mol Molecular Visualization System
py-monad Collection of classes for programming with functors
py-mongomock Fake pymongo stub for testing simple MongoDB-dependent code
py-monty Monty is the missing complement to Python
py-mopidy Extensible music server written in Python
py-mote Python library for simulation of distributed algorithms
py-moya Web development platform
py-mozcrash Library for printing stack traces from minidumps
py-mozdebug Utilities for running applications under native code debuggers intended for use in Mozilla testing
py-mozdevice Mozilla-authored device management
py-mozfile Library of file utilities for use in Mozilla testing
py-mozhttpd Python webserver intended for use with Mozilla testing
py-mozinfo Library to get system information for use in Mozilla testing
py-mozInstall package for installing and uninstalling Mozilla applications
py-mozlog Robust log handling specialized for logging in the Mozilla universe
py-moznetwork Library of network utilities for use in Mozilla testing
py-mozpower Mozilla-authored power usage measurement tools
py-mozprocess Mozilla-authored process handling
py-mozprofile Library to create and modify Mozilla application profiles
py-mozrunner Reliable start/stop/configuration of Mozilla Applications
py-mozterm Terminal abstractions built around the blessings module
py-mozversion Library to get version information for applications
py-mpi4py MPI for Python - Python bindings for MPI
py-mpi4y-fft Parallel Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) using MPI for Python
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